Wifi Hotspots
Thanks to a program funded in part by the Oklahoma State Department of Agricultural Economics, OSU Extension offices, and AARP, the library now has Wifi Hotspots to lend!
The service is available to all patrons with a library account in good standing.
Please come by, call, or email us with any questions!
Phase III Reopening Hours
The Wynnewood Public Library has now entered Phase III of our COVID-19 reopening plan.
Hours are:
10:00AM-12:00PM Senior Citizens Only (62+)
12:00PM-6:00PM All Patrons
Curbside Service Available 9:00AM-6:00PM
Friends of the Wynnewood Library Adopt-a-Book Fundraiser
We have many, MANY books that are available for adoption in our meeting room. Per our collection development policy, there are times when it is necessary to remove books from circulation. We also receive donations including books that are not the best fit for our collection. These books are then displayed and made eligible for adoption thanks to our Friends group.
The Friends of the Wynnewood Library serves as a volunteer support organization for the library. They pay for programming, supplies, books, and many other things.
We ask that all of our visitors remember that this service is a fundraising effort for our Friends of the Wynnewood Library group. They do not price the books, but instead ask that you donate any amount of money you choose in exchange. When books are taken without a donation being made, it may interfere with future programming and plans. The library and the Friends are both striving to bring new and exciting things to our community. Unfortunately, that cannot be done without financing. Even donating your spare coins in exchange for books is extremely helpful and wildly appreciated!
Please consider coming and checking out the books we have available for adoption today!
Loud Library
Please join us for the return of our after school program: Loud Library.
We will meet every Tuesday and Thursday that school is in session starting from August 15th, 2019 and running concurrent with the schedule of Wynnewood Public Schools.
Loud Library is a time where kids of all ages can come to the library to have semi-structured play, participate in crafts, and have snacks for an hour and a half after school is out.
This hour and a half is meant to break the stereotype that libraries are places where you must whisper and be quiet at all times. We encourage kids to learn about the library services and world around them in the best way they know how, and sometimes that means getting a little loud. We hope you will join us this school year at Loud Library!
Smart Meter Public Discussion
Installation and implementation of Wynnewood’s new smart meter system is just around the corner. The City of Wynnewood would like to offer an opportunity for residents to obtain more information about the upcoming changes.
Some people have expressed caution due to the belief that smart meters produce dangerous levels of health-harming emissions.
In response to the growing concern, Mayor Harold Gregory has provided us with information concerning RF waves and their relation to smart meters.
There will be a public forum at the next city council meeting dedicated to the new smart meters.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 12th at 7:00pm in the Wynnewood High School cafeteria.
We hope to see you there.
What can you learn about a tree from examining its rings?
What can annular growth rings tell you about one of the oldest trees in Wynnewood? As many of you know, the wind storm last month caused us to lose one of the cottonwood trees in the city park. Mayor Harold Gregory secured a section of the tree’s trunk in order for us to learn more about the life of this tree. The trunk is currently sitting on the north side of the road that runs through the middle of the park. There has been information posted on what to look for when examining the annular growth rings of the tree. The rings tell you much more about the tree than just its age! Count the rings, notice their patterns, and report your findings on Let’s all work together to see what we can find out about this piece of Wynnewood History!